Friday, November 18, 2011

Baby shower!

Well this week has been a very productive week for me. I'm throwing one of my best friends a baby shower, which by the way no one warned me how much work it actually is! So I have been running around like crazy trying to fine things that match and what cake style should I choose, what color table cloth, plates, forks, napkins, INVITATIONS, who to invite?! Ah haha well I think I finally have mostly everything worked out for the most part.
Here are the ballons, plates, napkins, and innvites!

Her sister is making the cake for me so this is what I think we have decided to go with, but with a few more boy colors!
So I think I have everything done for that expect the invites, but that's ok because I already sent out a message on facebook so yay!

Well I guess I skipped a few things, Monday Cameron, myself, and Miranda drove up to Memphis because Pepaw was having Triple bypass heart surgery, all went well and we all had alot of bonding time while we were there. Hopefully he is getting to come home today! What a blessing. While we were at the hospital I got registered for my classes in the Spring semester my schedule is as follows:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday-Anatomy and Phisology 10:10-11:05
Mondays only I have a lab from 11:15-1:15
Tuesdays and Thursdays- I have Microbiology from 8:00-9:25
Math for Nurses from 11:10-12:45 and after that I have Micro lab from 12:45-3:45
I definately have a tough semester ahead of me, but the good news is if I can make a B in all of my classes I will be finished with all of my basic courses and able to apply to the Nursing program!

Wednesday was Tobey's 1st birthday! Saturday is her party, and I have to say I picked out a pretty awesome gift I think lol.

Tobey and myself on Halloween she was a cute little monkey!

Well I have a big to-do list to finish up so everyone have a great day!
Philippians 4:12
I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abdunace and need.

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