Last night was so amazing, the concert was great getting to spend one on one time with my boyfriend, and geting to see one of my favorite singers of all my life was AWESOME! I don't think I could have asked for a better ending to the Zac Brown concert Alan Jackson came out and sang the song they have together, (Don't be falling in love) is a wonderful song! We didn't get home until two o'clock in the morning Cameron did great staying awake to drive. As soon as we got home we fell asleep, only to wake up a few hours later to celebrate Christmas at Cameron's mom's house, it was great. All the babies came over except Tobey she's still not allowed to get out yet. We had a huge breakfast, and a fun time opening presents, Mrs. Linda always has a huge Christmas, that is awesome. I stayed at his house for a while and just talked and laughed with his family then I came home and talked with Payton for a while. After we watched T.V. and talked about the concert we both got showers and went out to eat with our mom, dad and grandad in Fulton. Grandad takes us to dinner alot and we like to have fun talking to him and bonding, he just can't hear that good so its like we are practically yelling at him in the resturant. lol That's ok though he just laughs at us. Now I am back at home listening to my new Taylor Swift C.D. it is AMAZING if I may say so lol... and I am trying to study for the Compass test I have to take on January 3rd. I have to do well on this test so I am hoping that I can make myself buckle down and study for it. It's just so hard because I'm on break but I have to get my butt into gear and suck it up. So I guess I am going to wrap this up and make myself study thanks for the encouragement lol. Let's see how this goes! Whooo
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